Wednesday, January 4, 2012

christmas 2011 part 2 (columbus)

if a picture is worth 1000 words, i'm not sure how many thousands this one is worth...

our christmas in columbus did not go exactly as planned, but turned out to be an (almost) perfect day.  (we were missing a few family members due to the always-hated holiday cold/flu.)

spending time with fly boy's family only made me more excited for the arrival of our baby girl.  i know it's cliched, but there is something magical about christmas with a house full of children.

watching our niece play with her new princess aurora, our nephew with his sister's pretty pretty princess camera and our other niece play with her brother's airplane...i couldn't get enough.

i can't wait for our house to be full of family, children, cousins, aunts and uncles.
it seems crazy to think that next year we will have a 10 month old and a new aunt jess.
crazy wonderful.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

christmas 2011 part 1 (syracuse)

i think 2012 is going to be the year of lists.
and organization.
(good thing lists generally aid in your organization.)

i've already started to make a list of things i want to make sure i (we) do for christmas next year with baby girl.
but more on that to come later.

i have to admit, i was a little skeptical about our big travel plans for the holidays.  we went to columbus a few days before christmas, spent christmas eve with fly boy's family, then flew out christmas morning to syracuse to spend christmas night and a few days after christmas with my family.  then flew back to florida.  we got a lot of looks when we told people our plans before we left.  crazy, i know.

the whole trip went surprisingly smooth though.  turns out most people do not travel on christmas morning.  go figure.

christmas 2011 in pictures.

columbus airport


arriving in snowy syracuse for a white christmas
christmas dinner in syracuse

"christmas morning" on the 26th

enjoying the snow while we can (i don't think we'll be getting much in florida this year...)

christmas part II (columbus) coming soon.