rewind her story a few months...
she and her husband were high school sweet hearts, so both sets of grandparents are in the same city. when it came time to find out if they were having a boy or girl, they decided to do a gender reveal party.
unfortunately fly boy's family is in ohio, my family is in syracuse and we live in florida. somehow getting both sides together wasn't a very realistic option.
i still wanted to be a little creative in how we shared the news of the baby's gender with our families. (especially since the whole pregnancy was a bit of a surprise for fly boy and me...and we may have called our parents only a few hours after getting the positive result in the home pregnancy test...)
my parents were on a business trip to hawaii on the day we had the 22 week ultrasound. i secretly had my aunt, who was also on the business trip, take a blue and pink set of candles with her. after we got the news, i called my aunt and had her give the appropriate candle to the waiter to put on my parents' dessert.
when my mom saw the dessert with a candle coming to her table, she started asking around whose birthday it was. no one answered. when the waiter placed the dessert in front of her, she looked at my dad and said, "it's not our anniversary, they gave us the wrong dessert..."
thankfully my aunt was there to save the day and remind my mom that the dessert was from us...
we're having a GIRL!!
fly boy and i couldn't be more thrilled. both sets of grandparents are excited as well. baby girl will be #7 grandchild on fly boy's side, and #1 grandchild on my side.
bring on the pink!
Yay for baby girls!