eating ice-cream for dinner
having the excuse to “eat whatever you want”
feeling the baby kick
a chance to buy some new “cute” maternity clothes
getting to park in the ridiculously close “expecting mother” spaces at target
free foot rubs from fly boy.
eating ice-cream for dinner because it’s the only thing you can keep down, and later the consequences of eating ice-cream for dinner even after you are prescribed an anti-nausea medicine that fixed the morning sickness.
the ridiculously long list of foods you aren’t supposed to eat while pregnant… including, but not limited to brie, bleu cheese, feta cheese, hot dogs, lunch meat, caffeine, sushi, tuna, and raw eggs (no more cookie batter)
feeling the baby kick. all.night.long.
none of your old cute clothes fit anymore…and somehow it seems like all good maternity brands run SMALL. whoever thought it would be a good idea to make a clothes line smaller than normal that specifically targets women whose emotions are already at extreme highs and lows?! seriously!
being so big that you now waddle instead of walk…i guess that’s why target gives you the close parking.
swollen feet. i would gladly give up the foot rubs for normal looking feet.
heart burn…which is definitely not limited to the third trimester, though i hear it gets worse in the third trimester.
don't get me wrong...most days i love being pregnant, and am more than confident that it will be worth every nausea-filled morning once baby girl arrives. only three more months to go!
CARE! Food good news! I avoided all those soft cheeses UNTIL I found out that the only thing they need to say is "pasteurized" to be alright. Remember how we made your blue cheese chicken right after you gave me the recipe? Yeah. Most cheeses made in the US are pasteurized...just check the label! You can DEFINITELY find bleu and feta, but check for brie too! Yay...cheesy love!