Wednesday, February 22, 2012

midweek confessions: pre-baby

i'm going a little stir-crazy, so it seems like a good week to link up with e, myself & i

- baby girl is officially 6 days late.  i swear i am not going crazy-crazy.  i still feel good, just trying to be patient.  

- i'm not very gifted in the "patience" department.  

- my our house has never been cleaner, nor do i think it will ever be this clean again.  i would SO pass my brother's white glove test.  

- though i realize i will be eating my words in a few days once this girl does arrive, i still feel like i should be trying to get some kind of part-time job.  i have too much time on my hands.  and i can't wait to be able to fit into all the adorable spring clothes that are coming out...a little extra spending cash might be nice.

- i have this totally unrealistic idea that baby girl and i are going to get into a perfect rhythm only a few days after we come home from the hospital.  eat, wake/play time, sleep repeat.  i have purposely not factored in the hours of hysterical screaming i blessed my own mother with.  positive thinking.  we'll see how that goes.
- i gave up law & order for lent.  sounds ridiculous, i know.  but i've become addicted.  i went on a law & order marathon yesterday, and realized i have become so addicted that i actually got bored of it last night. that's way too much law & order. 

- we did a "baby pool" with friends and family to guess the baby's arrival time and date.  two so called "friends" guessed the 29th because it would be "cool" to have a baby on leap-year.  the 29th, really?  that's 13 days past the due date.  who does that?  who wishes that on your friend?!  i am thinking of not claiming these two individuals as friends anymore.*

- i LOVE this time of year, for one reason and one reason only: cadbury mini-eggs.  not the gross ones with the cream-filled centers.  the straight up chocolate ones with the candy shell.  i could eat the whole bag in one day.  therefore i am cashing in my "pregnancy" card to devour as much of this sweet chocolate as my heart desires.  and i'm not going to feel guilty.

- i found this picture of lucy on my camera.  it's not in focus nor a "great" picture by any means, but i can't help but laugh when i look at it.  i am still hoping that we do not become one of those families that neglects our dog once we have a baby.  fly boy is adamant that lucy will not become a "second-class citizen."

- i am hoping my next post will be to announce the arrival of baby girl.

*disclaimer: both "friends" are boys.  one of which is not a father yet.  i will be patiently waiting his apology once his own wife goes through 40 weeks of pregnancy.


  1. SO excited to see your link-up; and then SO sad to realize baby girl isn't here yet!!! I can't wait for the big announcement! Hang in there mama and keep thinking those positive thoughts and eating those chocolate eggs. :)

  2. Don't worry she'll be here soon! My son Ford was late too! I tried everything to get him to come, but he took his SWEET time!!!!
