Thursday, May 3, 2012

charlotte two months

two months.
seriously.  how has it been two months?
don't mind me while i gush over my little girl for a bit...
  • personality: charley is cooing and oohing.  i can't get enough of it, and LOVE our little "conversations."  she is also into this fun screaming phase.  that i could do without.  she looks me in the eye and doesn't stare into space like she did when she was first born.  i fall more in love with this girl everyday.  fly boy and i make fun of her different cries, imitating them to her and each other...i'm not sure at what age she will start to internalize what we perceive as funny and realize we are mocking her...hopefully not yet.
  • moving: she still hates tummy time.  with a passion.  she loves kicking and splashing in the bath tub though.  this girl is going to be a natural swimmer...i can feel it.
  • clothes: officially in the 3 month clothes.  at her two month check-up, charley was 10lbs 5 oz and 23 inches...that's 4lbs and 4 inches bigger than at birth.  crazy.  her doctor called her a chunker...then corrected himself and said she was just fine.  i say, wear those rolls proudly charley, it's cute and i love it.  (and in 16 years, it probably won't be quite so socially acceptable....)
  • smiling: it started when i was in syracuse, and she smiles more and more each day.  i can't get enough!
  • daily schedule:  we really have the golden child when it comes to sleeping/her schedule.  charley goes to bed between 7:30 and 9 and will sleep anywhere between 6 and 11 hours straight.  she takes a long nap around noonish and a few cat naps during the day.  i know we are lucky.  very lucky.  i am positive this is God's way of telling me how much He loves me: by giving me a child that sleeps throughout the night while my husband is gone.  God really loves me. 
  • lucy: still loves her sister.  i can't wait until charley is older and can really "play" with lucy more.  my parents' golden retriever, molly, got visibly upset anytime charley was fussy...she brought her toys over one by one until the crying subsided.  i wish i had a video of it.
  • fly boy: unfortunately, fly boy has been in alabama for the last month.  he left the day before charley's one month birthday, and won't be back for another few weeks.  but, we've been lucky enough to see him on most weekends.  he cannot believe the changes from week to week.  she adores her father.  i have no doubt she will be, if not already is, a daddy's girl.

and last but not least, my personal favorite...

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