Tuesday, January 15, 2013

charlotte 10 months

better late than never.

hard to believe we are two short months away from having a one-year-old!

while this past month was very exciting traveling to syracuse for christmas (and seeing Charley's first snow), not a lot has changed.

-we've tried some new foods, and i have yet to find something she doesn't like (so long as it comes in the puree form.)
-charley is finally on a consistant two nap schedule.  it does make life easier being able to plan around her morning and afternoon nap.
-still crawling/pulling up on everything.  charlotte loves to hold your hand(s) and walk around the house.  i think my back will be thankful when she does walk on her own, but i also want to enjoy this stage where she wants to hold my hand all the time.
-she is in a "mommy" phase, that i know breaks fly boy's heart a little bit with each push away from him.  while i love the extra cuddles, i do hope that she goes to a dadddy phase soon too.
-it's very difficult to keep bows or headbands in her hair.  she pulls everything out and promptly puts it in her mouth.  classy.

this month i tried to take our token pictures with a blanket as a backdrop, but quickly realized a crawling baby has no interest in staying in one spot for more than ten seconds to have her pictures taken.  so i followed her.  all over.

we also converted what was our sunroom to a playroom.  this is where charley and i spend 90% of the day.  i love it.  it's still a work in progress, but it's nice to have one area for all most of her toys.


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