Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dear Kate

My sweet Kate,
You are back in your crib, sound asleep.  Your sister is asleep in her room, your father is asleep in our bed.  The house is quiet except for my clicking on the keyboard.  I can't sleep.  I know you don't have as many daily pictures as your sister, and I haven't even put your monthly pictures I did manage to take up yet, but it is in no way, shape or form a reflection of how much I love you.  Rocking with you tonight, your tiny little fingers wrapped around my pinky, feeling your fuzzy hair brush against my cheek, I could not help but smile.  You are only four months old, but I cannot tell you how much joy you bring into our lives.  Your sister adores you. Though by the time you are old enough to read this, she will probably be driving you crazy, I cannot put into words the way Charley love to kiss you, hug you, hold you, and so clearly already loves you in a way she does not comprehend.  You restored your Dad's confidence.  You have given us so much in your little life.  I would like to freeze moments like tonight; rocking with you, asleep on my shoulder.  There is no where I would rather be right now.  I cannot help but think the way you love me, your love for me reflects Christ's love for me.  You are so little, but have already pushed me towards Christ.  You make me a better mother, make me a better daughter, make me a better wife and friend.  I am excited to watch you grow into a little girl, but I don't want to miss a second in between.  You, my precious Kate, are the joy of my heart and I will always and forever love you.

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