we are one month into the deployment.
that feels like an accomplishment in and of itself.
(i'm choosing not to think about how many more months we have to go. one more down sounds a lot better.)
while reading through some old posts, i came across this "gem" from one of fly boy's previous deployments describing my different routine when fly boy is gone. let's be honest, i don't think many of the habits i described are/were particularly heathy.
i giggled reading it, thinking about how different, yet similar our life is two years later, but also dealing with a deployment.
-two years ago, i proudly left dirty laundry in the hamper just to have some of fly boy's clothes still waiting to be washed.
-this time, i made sure to do all his laundry before he left, even folded it and put it away for him. i did, however, leave his two flight suits in the laundry room hamper for several weeks before actually washing them and thus admitting to myself he wouldn't be coming home in the foreseeable future.
-two years ago i tried to replace fly boy with lucy. she hated cuddling.
-today, i still let lucy sleep on our bed, but she still jumps down after five minutes of non-cuddling. lucy refuses to let me use her to replace fly boy.
-two years ago i avoided wearing clothes that require ironing as fly boy is the better ironer in our family.
-today, i have gotten better at generally choosing clothes that require no ironing. making fly boy's absence less obvious.
-two years ago i ate cookie dough ice cream for dinner.
-this time, i eat cookies for dinner. (only after charley goes to bed, of course.)
-two years ago i frequently fell asleep on the couch while watching tv late at night.
-last night, i woke up at 1am and dragged myself to bed to get some "good sleep."
to sum up:
two years, one move, one baby and another baby on the way, not much has changed when it comes to deployments.
come home soon fly boy. you bring much needed structure to my life! ;)
Keep working on the cuddles with Lucy...our Bailey used to do the same thing...moved the second our feet touched him....now when my hubby gets up to go the bathroom in the morning he jumps in his spot for cuddles....butt only from me...i think it came with age.