Thursday, May 9, 2013

thankful thursday no.1

it's that time that every military wife dreads.
deployment time.

a time where it is easy to wallow in self-pity, and become completely self-involved.

in an effort to keep the focus off my own sorrows, i'm starting a new series: thankful thursdays. a time where i can reflect the many blessings in my life.

five things i am thankful for today...

no. 5  letter writing and emails.  fly boy and i get to take this time to revive the lost art of writing love letters to each other.  there is something about the anticipation of walkin to the mailbox everyday to see if there is a handwritten letter from my love that cannot be replaced with an inbox or text.  i love his letters.

no. 4 living two miles from my brother and sister-in-law.  being in two different branches of the military, it's got to be a 2% chance that we would not only be stationed at the same base, but at the same time.  huge huge blessing.

no. 3 lucy. those long nights when i can't seem to stop the tears from flowing, i always have a sweet golden retriever's head resting on my lap.  fly boy recently came across a study that concluded dogs are more empathetic to human emotion than other humans.  lucy is proof.  

no. 2 my sweet charlotte.  even in the middle of her first ear infection, she is the joy of my day.  she has never been a cuddly baby, but as she matures into a toddler, she seems to tolerate, even enjoy hugging me or snuggling on the couch.  i love it.

no. 1 wifi and facetime.  charley and i have been able to "see" fly boy almost everyday.  it has made the first few weeks of this deployment so much easier.  charley has loved eating lunch with her daddy.  she even signs for "more" dada after we hang up.  but at the same time, so good that she recognizes him and misses him.

our last family trip to the beach for a while.
miss you my fly boy!


  1. What a great idea, Carey! You are amazing - deployment must be so hard! I know the Lord is so ready to meet you in this time in incredible ways!

  2. This is a great idea. You are very good at making lemondade from lemons! You will always have the letters to cherish and the time will seem to have flown by AFTER Mathhew returns. (Kind of like a pregancy feels AFTER you give birth.) We love your blogs. Keep them coming....or come on to Roanoke to visit us! xoxoxo Kathy
