Saturday, April 23, 2011

daddy training.

i thought we should start the training process early.
VERY early.

this simple nine-step plan should get fly boy ready, for everything.

step one: get a dog that wakes us up in the middle of the night.  poops/pees all over.  cries. bites. leaves toys all over the house.  reminds you that your life is no longer your own.   

step two: every time daddy in training (DIT) goes to target with you, linger on each baby aisle.  "oooh" and "ahhh" over the baby clothes, shoes, toys, blankets, etc.   
(picture from Tilly Whistle on etsy)

step three: start baby sitting for friends' children with DIT.

step four: while working on step three, make sure that DIT plays tea-party/dress-up/barbie/princess.


step five: go visit friends in the hospital shortly after baby is born so that DIT gets the FULL experience.

step six: cry at the drop of a hat.  this way, when you are pregnant, DIT will already know how to handle the extra hormones.

step seven: when visiting babies and/or babysitting, make sure babies drool & spit-up on DIT as often as possible.
(disclaimer: connor did not spit-up or drool on fly boy in this picture.  i believe his niece has already taken care of this step for us.)

step eight: start spending more than your monthly budget now.  DIT will already be accustomed to how expensive children are once they start growing out of clothes every two months/want to sign up for ballet/soccer/eat you out of your house/ask for money for dates/beg for a new car on their 16th birthday. 
step nine: while working on step three, if the child has exploding diaper have DIT change the dirty clothes, aid with the bath, change the dirty diaper and take out dirty diaper trash.

we'll see how the nine-step process works out someday.

really, i just wanted an excuse to post the picture of fly boy playing tea-party with addy and cinderella.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Good thing you had a disclaimer. :) Is that Wes in step 3?? Looks like DIT is ready to go!
