Friday, April 8, 2011


i've been waiting to write about running for a while.
mostly because i haven't been running for a while.

but two weekends ago i got the kick in the pants i needed to get going.  i got to go running with my most favorite running partner ever, megan.  i'm a little very picky about who i go running with.  fly boy, though i love him dearly, tends to comment on my technique while we are running.  not a fan.  some people talk too much, while others don't talk enough.  megan, is one of the few that has the perfect balance of talking to quiet ratio for my liking.  so when she came to visit, i went running with her everyday.


i can't say i've ran everyday since she left, but it's been much more consistant.  i've also found that lucy LOVES to go "running" with me.  (i use the term "running" with lucy lightly because i go so slow that she isn't even trotting, she's basically still walking.)  so lucy and i have been "running" most mornings before work.  last week, lucy woke me up at her usual 6:30 to get breakfast.  after she was fed and had gone out, i got my computer and crawled back into bed.  apparently this was not part of lucy's plan.  she promptly went into my closet, pulled out one of my running shoes and brought it to me.

my dog made me go for a run.

i thought it was cute and funny.  i told fly boy about it. didn't really think anything more of it.

until this morning.

i guess i wasn't moving fast enough for little miss lucy, because again, she went and got my running shoes out of the closet and dropped them at my feet.

i don't need a personal trainer, i have lucy.  maybe there is even a way i can market this newly found skill of her's...."want to get into shape? come stay at our house for a week and lucy will make sure you run every morening!"  yeah, we'll see....

all this running stuff to say, a friend and i have decided to sign up for our first half marathon...and are raising money to support libby ryder. 

libby is a friend of a friend who lives in chesapeake, virginia.  her husband is an area-director for young life.  last summer she was diagnosed with lymphoma.  amidst her battle with cancer, she started a blog.  don't waste your cancer.  (she's amazing, you should read it.)  she's now cancer free (praise the Lord!) but obviously still has a lot of medical bills and such.  team libby started while libby was still undergoing chemo, and the group will be running a half-marathon at the end of the month.  mw and i couldn't make the nashville race, but still wanted to participate.  we found a half-marathon in the fall at disney world that we're both really excited for!

we haven't started the fund-raising process yet, but our goal is $5,000 each.  (more to come on that later.)

so i started running.  running with a purpose.  i'm only up to 3 miles, obviously no where near the 13.1 i need to go, but at least it's a start.  and on the mornings i don't want to get out of bed, i have lucy to bring me my shoes.

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