lucy & molly christmas 2010
march 2011
best. friends. forever.
april 2011
when lucy meets other dogs, she always flips over on her back to show that she is NOT the dominant dog. except with molly. since the day we brought lucy to my parents' house, lucy has thought that she is top dog. mind you, she was all of 5 lbs compared to molly's 65 lbs. lucy quickly discovered that she could hide under chairs or stools where molly couldn't reach her, bark and paw at molly. molly was not amused. but lucy clearly adored molly.
the next time lucy and i made the trek to syracuse, i was traveling down to florida with my nana for a week. lucy stayed with molly. when i got back, i saw this spot on molly's head (you can see it in some of the pictures.) my mom had taken molly to the vet to make sure everything was alright. she was fine. it was just a stress spot. lucy apparently stresses molly out.
sure enough with our last visit to syracuse this past weekend, molly had two more stress spots on her back by the end of the two days. i'm hoping that as lucy gets older (and less of brat around molly) this will stop. even if she is stressed, molly doesn't show it when lucy is there.
so here's to you lucy & molly, and many more years of friendship.
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