Saturday, February 18, 2012

40 weeks and 2 days

top ten frequently asked questions i have gotten this week/recently:

1. any baby yet?
no, no baby yet.

somehow it doesn't surprise me.  when we had the ultra-sound to find out if it was a girl or boy, we were at the appointment for almost two hours because this baby was so stubborn and wouldn't move into a position for technician to get all her measurements.  after only 15 minutes of trying, fly boy looked at me and said, "i know it's a girl, she's being as stubborn as her mother!"  turns out he was right.

so if we know this child is so stubborn, why would she come "on time?" 

2.  are you going crazy waiting?
actually, i'm not going crazy, yet, or even feel that uncomfortable.  i think it's going to be a while.

(as i write that, i can't help but think, famous.last.words.)

this pregnancy thing has certainly proven one thing ... the lack of any self-awareness instincts i have.
and that fly boy is more in tune with my body than i am.

example 1: rewind 7 months to a conversation between fly boy and me...
fly boy: i think you might be pregnant.
me: there is no way i am pregnant.  i would know if i was pregnant. 
fly boy: i still think you are pregnant.  humor me, take a pregnancy test.
...ten minutes later...
me: ....i guess you were right...i'm pregnant...

example 2: this past monday night...
me: i have had horrible gas all day.
fly boy: are you sure it's not contractions?
me: i would know if i was having contractions.  these are not contractions.  i think something is wrong. (in my head, i was thinking i might be dying.)
fly boy: ok.  but i still think it might be contractions.
a few hours later the pain hasn't gone away, so off we go to the hospital...
turns out, i was having contractions.

3.  is the nursery done?
basically.  we have a few more things to hang on one wall.  so i don't want to post pictures until it is totally finished.  i'm not too concerned if it actually gets done before she is born, or shortly there after.  she won't have to sleep in a sock drawer, so we have that going for us.

4.  do you have a name picked out?
we do.  we are waiting to reveal the name until she is born.

5.  have you taken any birthing classes?
we did a crash course in the bradley method.  after the class, i was all gung-ho for a natural birth.  after monday night, i've had some second thoughts.  so we'll just wait and see.

6.  have you prepared lucy for the baby?
i talked to our vet at her yearly check-up this week.  his only recommendation was to bring a blanket or piece of clothing from the baby home before we actually bring the baby home for lucy to get used to the smell.  i have a feeling she is going to be amazing with this little girl though.  she's been around her fair share of babies, and has done remarkably well.   i just know lucy and the baby are totally going to be bffs.

7.  is your mom coming in for the birth?
she is.  she's waiting to get a flight down to florida until we are on our way to the hospital.  my brother recently moved down here as well to start flight school. she'll spend some time with him while we are still in the hospital, and then will stay with us once we get back home and situated.  fly boy's mom is coming down in a few weeks as well.

8.  is fly boy ready?
ha.   he says no.  i say yes.  in reality, neither of us really know what we are getting ourselves into.  year two of marriage is off to a pretty good start, the next 9 months should be a crazy ride.

9.  are you ready?
as ready as i'm going to be.  bags are packed.  camera battery is charged. birth plan is done.  laundry (at least the essentials) is being kept up with.  the house is semi-clean (clean enough that i am not embarrassed to have people over, but not clean enough that i was able to pass my brother's white glove dust test on my window sills.)

10. what are you most nervous about?
honestly, that i bought too many newborn clothes but at the same time that i don't have enough newborn clothes.  also, that with all the heartburn i've had, that this girl could come out looking like an ape if heartburn is indicative of how much hair babies have. (even though i know it's really just an old wives still freaks me out a little to think about that much hair.)  i told fly boy, i would rather her be bald for the first two years than have a mop of hair when she is born.  vain.  i know.   and lastly, that the labor process is going to take something crazy like 72 hours.  that's a lot of contractions.

lucy, on the other hand, is ready.

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